A note from Rick Boyles, President, Computer Networks Inc: Below is an
rsz_1ransomware-300x225article that all physicians and office managers in Chesapeake, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Portsmouth, and Suffolk should read and heed. Cyber attacks are now a part of everyday life.  Our Managed IT Services company in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Suffolk can protect you.

Call our Computer Networks Inc. office at (757) 333-3200 ext. 200 and receive a FREE Cyber-Security Audit to uncover gaps in your company’s online security.  Our highly trained team of IT experts will come to your office and conduct this comprehensive audit. We’ll then prepare a customized “Report of Findings” that reveals specific vulnerabilities and a prioritized Plan of Attack for getting any problems addressed fast.

IT firm shows 3 ways to instantly open up your computer network to a cyber attack

Welcome to the brave new world of cyber-warfare.

Gone are the days when software patches were just for nifty little feature add-ons or updates.

Today, a software update notice could mean your whole computer network is suddenly at risk. Dangers include data theft, crippling malware attacks and mischief you may not discover for months, or even years.

As with graffiti on your garage door, if you don’t pay attention and clamp down on bad behavior, your problems have likely just begun.

And, like those who hire a professional security firm to keep thieves out of the warehouse, thousands of CEOs and business owners in Chesapeake, Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Suffolk are now waking up to the fact that it’s absolutely imperative to hire a competent Managed IT Services company when it comes to securing your data network.

Here’s why you need professional IT Support handling this:

#1: Not patching fast enough – speed is of the essence.
“If you didn’t update to version 7.32 within seven hours, you should assume you’ve been hacked.” That’s what software maker Drupal told millions of its customers around the world last year. It’s just one example of what can happen if your IT firm does not respond with lightning speed.

Once a security breach has been identified, hackers rush in. On “Day Zero,” cyber-crooks around the world go after at-risk targets. You’ve got to be quick to patch the gap, or else you risk a system compromise.

Unless you have the time, knowledge, experience and skill set to respond instantly, you are far better off leaving this to an established IT firm that provides Managed IT Services you can trust.

#2: Thinking you are too small – it’s not just the big boys they’re after.
Sure, the top news stories are about the attacks on companies like Target, Home Depot and Sony.

Yet your business in Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, and Suffolk is just as vulnerable, if not more so.

Chances are, you simply do not have the resources that giant corporations have to manage a data disaster. The statistics bearing this out are shocking: more than 60% of small businesses close their doors following a serious data breach.

The threat is not confined to giant corporations. Small and medium businesses and medical clinics are being attacked every day, and, unfortunately, your business is no exception.

#3: Not hiring one of the good IT firms available to you – dealing with data breaches requires specialized knowledge, skill and experience.
Here are just a few of the things a competent IT support company must be able to do to effectively protect your systems:

Review documentation and monitor forums. Sometimes your software vendor doesn’t tell the whole story. It’s critical to check online forums and other communities to see if anyone else is having issues with the new patch before jumping in with both feet.

Know when to apply a patch immediately and when to wait. Typically, somewhere around 95% of patches work hassle-free. The trick is to spot the 5% that don’t — before installing them.

About our Managed IT Services Company

Our Managed IT Services in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Suffolk helps businesses and medical practices with a full range of IT needs.  Founded in 2004 by Rick Boyles, our typical customer has 10 to 150 workstations, is a business or medical practice, and relies heavily on e-mail, the Internet, and their computer network for running their offices.  Clients hire our IT firm to provide Managed IT Services and IT support to stop cyberattacks and medical data breaches, and to provide IT for healthcare providers. They do not want to incur the overhead and cost of a full-time IT staff, and they do not want to risk their IT to a self-taught employee who knows “a few things” about computers.