Chrome Browser

Do Not Use These Chrome Extensions

Do you use any of the following Chrome browser extensions? Change HTTP Request Header Nyoogle – (a custom logo for Google) Stickies – (a Post-It note for Chrome) Lite Bookmarks […]

Popular Chrome Ad Blocker Faked, 30k Users Infected With Malware

“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me,” as the saying goes. Unfortunately, Google has now been fooled by the same trick twice. For the second […]

Extensions In Popular Web Browsers Found To Have Vulnerabilities

Security researchers in Europe have discovered a pair of flaws that relate to modern web browsers’ extension system. Exploiting these flaws would allow a patient and determined hacker to determine […]

Chrome Extension Copyfish Gets Hacked

The third-party Chrome extension Copyfish recently got hacked. As a result, the hackers were able to inject malicious JavaScript code into the code base and use it to display ads […]

Chrome Discovery Gives More Reason To Cover Your Laptop Camera

An AOL developer named Ran Bar-Zik has unearthed a disturbing flaw in Chrome that may make you rethink using Google’s web browser. The issue revolves around a website’s ability to […]

Chrome Will Soon Tell Users When Sites Aren’t Using HTTPS

Google is throwing its weight around on behalf of the netizins of the world. Beginning this October, Chrome users will start seeing “Not Secure” warning messages any time they use […]

Use Google Chrome? New Font Not Found Message Potentially Malware

There’s a nasty new form of Malware making the rounds that targets Chrome users, so if that’s your browser of choice, be warned that if you’re not careful, you could […]