Microsoft Edge Browser

Microsoft Edge Browser To Get Free Limited VPN

There’s a big change coming to the Microsoft Edge browser.  Big enough that it may prompt some users to switch to Edge. Recently, Microsoft announced that they’ll be adding a […]

Microsoft Edge Gets Overall Performance Boost

If you rely on Microsoft’s Edge browser to surf the web, you’re in luck.  The Redmond Giant has recently made some modifications to the browser’s “sleeping tabs” feature, which improves […]

Microsoft Really Wants People To Use Their Edge Browser

It’s no real secret that Microsoft has never been a big fan of Chrome, FireFox, or any other web browser that it didn’t build.  The company clearly hasn’t gotten over […]

Windows 11 Makes It Harder To Switch From Edge Browser

Analysts who have been following the development of Windows 11 generally have good things to say about the redesign of the interface. There is one aspect of the new OS […]

Microsoft Edge Browser Getting Automatic HTTPS Web Security Feature

The latest version of Microsoft’s new Chromium-based Edge browser will follow in the footsteps of the other major browsers on the web. As of Edge 92, the browser will automatically […]

Microsoft Edge Browser Gets Fix For Crashing Issue

Earlier this month, Microsoft Edge users were in an uproar, with significant numbers of them reporting that the browser would lock up when they were watching YouTube videos or reading […]

Microsoft Edge Will Redirect Users To HTTPS Secure Sites

If you’re a Microsoft Edge user, be aware. Beginning in July, with the release of Edge 92, the browser will automatically redirect users to a secure HTTPS connection any time […]

Number Of Microsoft Edge Browser Users Are Surpassing Firefox

At long last, Microsoft has a web browser that the market seems to like. Their new Chromium-based Edge browser has enjoyed rampant growth over the past twelve months, seeing its […]

Internet Browsers Blocking Some Ports Due To Security Vulnerabilities

If you rely on TCP port 554, you’ll probably want to do a bit of reconfiguration. Last year, security researchers discovered a new version of the NAT Slipstream vulnerability that […]

Browser Wars Heat Up With Microsoft Edge Boosting Speeds

If you thought the browser wars were over, think again. Microsoft has made some startling improvements to its Edge browser recently that gave it an impressive 41 percent speed boost. […]