Websites and Web Directory Updates

Website Ranking Company Alexa Will Be Shut Down

It’s the end of an era. is an iconic website run by Amazon that ranks and analyzes the popularity of other sites on the web. This site is soon […]

DNS Issue Caused Major Website Outage

The Akamai Corporation reported a major outage on Thursday (7/22/2021) that caused major disruptions on the internet in the United States for a period of several hours. A tweet from […]

Meetup Website Has Patched Vulnerability Open To Hackers

Recently, security researchers at Checkmarx discovered a pair of serious vulnerabilities in the popular online meeting website Meetup. According to the researchers, a hacker could combine cross-site scripting (XSS) with […]

New Chrome Feature Allows Sending Web Pages To Devices

If you use Google’s Chrome browser for web connectivity, you’re about to get a new feature you’ll probably fall in love with. Chrome 77 is now available for Windows, Mac, […]

Health Organization Says Gaming Addiction Is A Mental Disorder

Do you like video games?  Are you the kind that can get so lost and involved in your favorite title of the moment that you’re willing to burn vacation days […]

Digital Skimmers Are Dangerous For Websites With E-Commerce

If your business website incorporates an e-Commerce platform that allows you to sell directly to your customers, be aware. According to the latest research by the security firm RiskIQ, there […]

Report States Bots Account For 20 Percent Of Web Traffic

How much of the web’s traffic would you estimate to be fake, if you had to guess?  The answer to that question might surprise you.  According to the 2019 Bad […]

Mistyped URLs Will Soon Get A Warning In Chrome

At one point or another, everybody has done it.  You open a browser and type in the URL of a site you visit frequently.  In doing so, your finger slips […]

Page Caches May Be Vulnerable To Attack

There’s a new side channel attack to worry about. This one is after the target system’s OS page cache, where a variety of sensitive data that has been accessed by […]

Browser Security Symbols Don’t Mean Websites Are Legitimate

Most people use Google Chrome.  In fact, according to the latest statistics, Chrome has more than half the browser market share, with the rest dividing the smaller portion of the […]