WiFi, WiFi Routers

Chip Makers Are Already Planning For WiFi7

We barely got to know Wi-Fi 6 but companies like Qualcomm are already making plans for the next generation of Wi-Fi technology. They are working on Wi-Fi 7 which is […]

FCC Approves Plans For WiFi 6 To Open Wireless Spectrum

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) gets a lot of bad press.  Sometimes there are good reasons for that but much of the time there are not really any good reasons.  […]

 Security Vulnerabilities Were Found In These Popular WiFi Routers

Most people have a home network these days which connects their computers and tablets, allows them to stream video from their Smart TVs, and surf the web from their phones […]

A Number Of Netgear Routers Get Security Fixes

Dozens of Netgear routers are vulnerable to a very old security flaw. The DNS rebinding flaws that these routers have date back to models the company put out as early […]

These Small Business Cisco Routers Should Be Replaced

Do you own any of the following Cisco UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) routers? RV110W RV130 RV130W Or RV215W If you do then you will want to replace your gear […]

Some Netgear Devices May Have Vulnerabilities According To Microsoft

Do you use a Netgear DGN router, either at home or in your office? If so, be aware that Microsoft has discovered a number of security flaws that impact those […]

New Wifi Vulnerability May Affect Most Devices

Recently, a whole raft of security flaws have been found that impact all Wi-Fi devices, including smart phones, IoT devices, and personal computers going back as far as 1997. This […]

Consider Replacing Your Old Broadband Routers For Security

A company named ‘UK security Watchdog, Which?’ recently released a report with some disturbing security ramifications. Based on a survey of more than 6000 UK households, the company identified 13 […]

Bluetooth Vulnerability Could Affect The Majority Of Devices

Do you have a smartphone, tablet, laptop or a “smart” device in your home? Or perhaps the better question is, how many of those devices do you have? Whatever your […]

Major WiFi Updates Came To Windows 10 Recently

Great news for the legions of Windows 10 users around the world. Version 2004 comes with a significant WiFi update that includes Wi-Fi6 and WPA3 support, which will give users […]